Service for Deadweight Testers and Gages
Repairing and Certifying RSC, Chandler, Ametek and Ashcroft
Refinery Supply Company is a manufacturer of precision deadweight instruments and takes great pride in our product. But over time these instruments can be put through stress and abuse which is why we offer the finest repair and/or calibration for all deadweight instruments. Here are the procedures Refinery Supply Company follow to make sure you receive the instrument back in the best condition and in accuracy of .05% or .02% (NIST).
- Remove and clean piston with a non corrosive solvent.
- Remove old chemicals from the instrument and clean instrument with a non-corrosive solvent.
- Pressure test the piston in Refinery Supply Company’s unit to determine the piston is getting an accurate reading.
- Find the affective piston area in order to calibrate the weights with-in .05% (or .02% for NIST) of the total mass.
- Clean and polish weights to remove excess dirt and tarnish.
- Calibrate the weights to the affective piston area by removing or adding weight.
- Pressure test the instrument to look for leaks in the lines, o-rings, compression fittings, etc.
- Clean and polish all adapters, fittings, rods, etc.
- Paint the instrument, if needed, so it will look new upon arrival.
- Assemble the deadweight and ship it back to you with Certification papers.
Repairing Deadweights
Refinery Supply Company is a manufacturer of RSC deadweight testers and gages, therefore we can replace any broken or worn parts for minimal cost. RSC will also warranty new or refurbished pistons for one year with no cost. We can also replace any parts for Chandler, Ametek, or Aschroft.